Right to Heal Wellness Hub

"Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued — when they can give and receive without judgement." Brené Brown

Our mission is to connect the disconnected and bridge the gap between recovery and wellness.

During the Moving Beyond Addiction pilot project, we identified a crucial gap within the first three months – the need for a community to come together and connect during the recovery process. This realization led to the creation of the current space in the basement of 441 Rubidge Street, which is currently unfunded. To address this, we introduced the Sanctuary and Big Mama's Community Kitchen as business opportunities to generate funds for the community space, ensuring its sustainability.

Let’s move our community beyond recovery towards wellness together.

Operating Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, our Recovery to Wellness Hub offers a secure space to gather, enjoy meals, participate in events, and engage in healing circles. It is open to anyone on the path to recovery or wellness in the Peterborough area, aiming to build a supportive community.

We recognize that many individuals suffer in silence, and we are committed to filling gaps in services, creating a wellness community. Those in the larger community who feel disconnected due to the pandemic are warmly invited to join our wellness community.

If you are curious how you can support Right to Heals mission read below.

Discover multiple avenues to support the mission of Right to Heal Peterborough below.

Direct Donations: Contribute directly to our cause by making a donation. Your support enables us to provide crucial healing and treatment, propelling our community beyond recovery towards wellness.

Weekly Offerings and Catering: Order our weekly offerings or consider catering one of your events with us. Every dollar generated goes back into covering the costs associated with operating a wellness center, ensuring accessibility for all.

Event Participation: Explore our Events page for comprehensive details on a wide range of offerings tailored to suit your needs. From moon circles and meditation to breathwork, yoga, sound healing, talking circles, and reiki, there is something for everyone. By participating in these events, you actively support our mission to bring healing and wellness to the community.

Interested in Volunteering?

If you are interested in volunteering your time or offering your service at Right to Heal PTBO please fill out this form and someone will be in touch.